Censorship- and Coercion-Resistant Network Architectures (HOPE XI)

Decentralized network architectures can protect against vulnerabilities not addressed by strong encryption. Encryption works well, but only when private keys can be kept secret and ciphertext can get to its destination intact. Encrypted messages can be surveilled by acquiring private keys (FBI and Lavabit/Apple), man-in-the-middle attacks (NSA QUANTUM), or censored by blocking communication entirely (Pakistan and YouTube). These attacks are difficult to protect against because they are social rather than technological. But they all have one thing in common: they require centralization. Censorship and man-in-the-middle attacks target communication bottlenecks and legal coercion targets a small number of legal entities. This talk will discuss decentralized approaches to attack tolerance, including ongoing original research.

MIT/Knight Civic Media 2014

New Work from the Center for Civic Media from MIT CMS/Writing on Vimeo.

A bunch of spectacular 5 minute updates on 2013—2014 research projects from the Center for Civic Media, where I work. Mine are at 11:00 (What We Watch) and 26:05 (Media Meter), but they're all wonderful.

How to Make Bread

Ed Platt: "How to Make Bread" from MIT CMS/Writing on Vimeo.

I gave an "icebreaker" ignite at the 2014 MIT/Knight Civic Media conference. The theme was "The most interesting thing I learned this year" and I talked about how to culture your own yeast to make bread.

Communication for Geeks

Here's an outline from my Penguicon 2013 panel "Communication for Geeks."

Sleep Hacks

Here's an outline from my Penguicon 2013 panel "Sleep Hacking."

Seltzer CRM

Here's an outline from my Penguicon 2013 panel "Seltzer CRM."

Voip, SMS, and MMS

Here's an outline from my Penguicon 2013 panel "Voip, SMS, and MMS."

Sleep Hacks

I gave a talk on sleep and how to hack your sleep habits at Penguicon 2012. Here's a PDF of the talk outline: Sleep Hacks.pdf.